Sunday, September 29, 2013

Social Media...I can't quit you...

“Hey everybody, I need a time to take a time of rest in my life, so I’m going to take a break from ________________ for a few weeks.”

(Fill in the blank with any type of social media you use)

Two days later you notice this person back on social media with no mention of taking a break. Why does this happen: Lack of self-control? Forgetfulness? Neediness? Addiction?

The answer has finally been found….DOPAMINE

A recent study found a link between Dopamine and reward pathways that directly relates to talking about ourselves on social media. (Dopamine Study)

The more you talk or have people talk about you the more dopamine produced and the more the pathways become formed. It almost seems hopeless.

We talked with Adam Mclane about this study and its implications. It is said that knowing is half the battle. We would agree. Now that you know what will you do about it?

Doc David


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